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cannabis resources
Elucidation Strategies
Aug 27, 2024
When the Federal Bureau of Narcotics Writes the Article
On September 16, 1934, the New York Times published a piece entitled, Use of Marijuana Spreading in West: Poisonous Weed Is Being Sold...
Elucidation Strategies
May 22, 2024
The ABCs of ABV: Attitudes, Beliefs, & Values
It's a couple of years old, but remains true today. Resharing from the ES blog, Fall 2022. “What’s her problem? She has such an...
Elucidation Strategies
Oct 18, 2023
Needing Anecdotal and Scientific Evidence
There is always something new to learn when it comes to cannabis history. The plant has been around for thousands of years; no wonder...
Elucidation Strategies
Sep 18, 2023
Do newspapers from the 1930s influence today?
Yes, it's possible that media from nearly a century ago influences today. Prompting associations is a form of messaging. Those...
Elucidation Strategies
Aug 23, 2023
28 Million+ Candles for the Cannabis Birthday Cake
When did humans first discover cannabis? It's hard to find one definitive answer. There are as many origin date theories as there are...
Elucidation Strategies
Jul 25, 2023
Views on Cannabis in the Garden State
In March 2023, the Rutgers University, New Jersey State Policy Lab, shared a data brief, "Perceptions Concerning Cannabis Use: A Survey...
Elucidation Strategies
Jun 20, 2023
Information Literacy & Cannabis
If you've been waiting for some encouragement to learn more about cannabis on your own, please read on. If you google marijuana, you get...
Elucidation Strategies
May 24, 2023
Forward It to a Friend
In John Corry's 1966 New York Times article, "Drugs a Growing Campus Problem," he reports on a variety of things regarding drug use on...
Elucidation Strategies
Apr 21, 2023
Is there a marijuana problem here?
It depends on who is defining the problem. In the 1987 movie Good Morning Vietnam, the main character, Adrian Cronauer (played the late,...
Elucidation Strategies
Mar 21, 2023
Exploring Terpenes
What IS a terpene? If we look at the actual definition - noun: terpene; plural noun: terpenes any of a large group of volatile...
Elucidation Strategies
Feb 26, 2023
Results: Smiling and Hunger
There’s evidence to support the claim that cannabis has been around for 28 million years. Some of the first writings referencing it are...
Elucidation Strategies
Jan 13, 2023
A Ransom for Cannabis
Where was the first documented, verifiable planting of cannabis in North America? Just like ice hockey, the odometer, and instant mashed...
Elucidation Strategies
Dec 6, 2022
Uncle Sam Wants...Cannabis?
During WWII, cannabis was a much sought-after the US government. (Yes, there really was a government-orchestrated,...
Elucidation Strategies
Oct 25, 2022
The Truth in Print in 1944
There have been many instances of official reports being disregarded because of extreme bias. Consider the study initiated by New York...
Elucidation Strategies
Sep 26, 2022
This isn't about the plant
Why does cannabis continue to remain a villainized substance? Why does it remain a tactic for the targeting Black and Brown people? Why...
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