Cannabis community conversations
"How we talk about cannabis and what many tend to associate with it - we can consider the sheer volume of terms that exist for this one plant! - is best explored by examining historical context and then talking through how that affects us today. That's what helps people widen their understanding. And that's when the good and productive conversations happen."
- Angela Speakman, Founder of Elucidation Strategies

A Solution for Communities

Cannabis is a complex topic.
Some New Jerseyans have more questions than answers. Some New Jerseyans have made up their minds about the dangers of cannabis. Some New Jerseyans are elated by cannabis legalization. Our Cannabis Community Conversations help people widen their understanding, which results in more informed, confident decision-making.
Elucidation Strategies offers a collaborative, structured approach to support community groups like libraries and nonprofits as well as municipalities interested in creating an opportunity for community members to explore the topic of cannabis. We rely on a history-driven approach to spark a conversation focused on fact rather than fiction, which provides a crucial framework to identify how messaging throughout our lives has contributed to how we feel about this controversial plant.
Each Cannabis Community Conversation is unique, as the participants determine the conversation topics in real time. The 90-minute interactive education program explores history, helping participants understand how the plant's complicated history contributes to our present and future.
At each Cannabis Community Conversation, participants explore topics like basic plant overview and terminology, political and legislative influences, health and wellness data, stigma and bias, culture influences, and much more. Our trained Community Educators are experienced in facilitating discussions about complicated topics in public settings. Each CCC features Q&A and attendees receive a helpful resource guide to promote further learning.

benefits of conversation
Trusted Source
ES Community Educators are trained, neutral voices who shared balanced information with public audiences.
No product sales. No hidden agenda. No preaching.
History First
The history first approach kicks off the conversation in a way that allows participants to apply accurate historical context to better understand their own perspectives.
Awareness leads to openness.
Addresses fear
The mixed messaging - state legalization vs federal prohibition, varied positions of science/medical communities - is confusing. Add decades of danger messaging and powerful psychoactive chemicals, fear makes sense.
We talk it out.