If you've been waiting for some encouragement to learn more about cannabis on your own, please read on.

If you google marijuana, you get about 246,000,000 results.
If you google cannabis, you get about 961,000,000 results.
If you google weed, you get about 710,000,000 results.
When you're diving in to learning more about cannabis, you've got options, lots of options. You're encouraged to investigate those options with a healthy level of scrutiny, as that's how to to rock information literacy skills and find accurate, relevant, and useful information.
What is information literacy? According to the American Library Association, information literacy is "a set of abilities requiring individuals to “recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.” With wide general access to the internet by all and the vast amount of information shared in the digital space, it's more important than ever to develop skills that help you consume and analyze information in an effective way.
Looking for a resource to help you evaluate online content? In 2021 forbes.com "5 Ways to Identify Reliable Sources (And Maintain Your Credibility)," author Avery Blank provides helpful questions for consideration when identifying reliable sources.
There's no shortage of cannabis content out there, but to find good, accurate, reliable information, you've got put the work in. Prioritizing information literacy will always pay off.
Contact Elucidation Strategies for cannabis education consulting services.