Think about the best movies. Think about the best songs. Think about the best books.

What do they all have in common?
They’re telling stories.
If that’s something that we can all agree on, then we must all be in agreement that the masterful ones, the ones that reach us in our core, the ones that make a difference – they are the ones that are meticulously planned.
Investing in strategic planning is investing in your ability to tell an amazing story. Those stories are told to affect those receiving them.
When it comes to making a movie, everyone doesn’t just show up one day and shoot. According to the New York Film Academy, there are seven distinct steps to the entire filmmaking operation: the idea, script, storyboards, cast and crew, locations, filming, and post-production.
In order to make a movie that meets the expectations and needs of the audience, we can consider how these steps, in a strategic order that focuses on achieving an overall goal (the movie!), advance the film.
The Idea - the mission and the vision
The Script - the content for the effort
The Storyboards - the communications plan for the content
The Cast and Crew - the players needed to implement the plan
The Locations - the resources needed to implement the plan
The Filming - the execution of the plan
The Post-Production - the culmination and, eventually the evaluation of the plan
And the elements of a strategic plan?
Wait for it...
The mission and the vision
The content for the effort
The communications plan for the content
The players needed to implement the plan
The resources needed to implement the plan
The execution of the plan
The culmination and, eventually the evaluation of the plan
And THAT'S why we focus on the strategic plan first, rather than just jumping to marketing. You need to have a movie made before you focus all your efforts on promoting it.
Want to tell an amazing story for your cannabusiness? Let's make a metaphorical movie together. Your stakeholders will thank you for it.
Contact Elucidation Strategies for cannabis consulting services.