A few months ago, I witnessed a friend experience a tender moment, as everything in his world had changed when life was placed in the crook of his arm. I was there, in the room, when he looked down and realized that all the days to come were now suddenly different because of the precious living thing he was cradling.

He absently wandered around the room, beaming like unbound light. It had taken so many months to arrive at this moment, where he held a miracle in his arms. It was a beautiful scene that will forever be etched in my mind.
In his arms was a lush cannabis plant.
He had been looking for that particular strain for over a year, as the genetics were going to be the answer to his nephew's debilitating neurological condition. His joy filled the room, as that day was the day that he found a way to give his nephew the plant medicine that could save his life. Steady access to that strain, once the plant was processed and readied for a cannabis tincture to prevent seizures and stabilize the neurological system, would be a gamechanger. It had taken extreme research from his home office in New Jersey - diving into endless hours of online research and finding ways to bypass paywalls to access international studies, to find each person, almost exclusively in the legacy network, that led him to the next one. It was a long relay, but he finally found the right plant. What comes from this luscious green gift? Saving. They’ll be able to save time, money, and life.
And now, he’s a criminal.
He’s a criminal on two fronts, both federal and state.
He could be arrested and imprisoned for having a single plant that happens to have ONE psychoactive cannabinoid among over 120 others, many of which likely have wellness benefit.
He could become a convicted criminal for possessing a plant that has never had one overdose fatality attributed to it.
He could lose so much for helping his nephew get the specific medicine he needs, medicine that’s not currently available for purchase in dispensaries…and not likely to become available anytime soon, as it’s a rare strain that doesn’t boast high levels of THC or have the appeal that more common options do.
That’s why access to personal cultivation - home grow - is important. That’s why advocates are fighting hard for each citizen to be able to grow a small number of plants at home, so those strains that address specific patient needs are available. What makes this all incredibly frustrating for patients is based on a few things:
Access to medical cannabis and patients rights is where this conversation - the conversation that led to the statewide industry - started. In New Jersey, this was the actual starting point, but a last-minute legislative change (with questionable intentions) kept access away. And now it’s years later and the frustrating absurd status quo remains.
We all have access to flour, yeast, and water to make our own bread. And some do, but that’s not the majority. There are still plenty of bread options bought and sold every day on the shelves at the grocery store. Having access to making or growing something doesn’t automatically result in the destruction of enterprise.
We’re called the Garden State. C’mon. We’re the only adult-use and medical access state without the option to grow. Most states have a plant or canopy size limit. What’s needed - what’s being advocated for - has zero downsides.
So, when you see the activists planting cannabis on the Statehouse lawn to grab the attention of the legislators or you read about home growers still being arrested for cannabis (and let’s face it, the industry would simply not exist if it wasn’t for the pioneers who risked - and still do - so much to help those in need manage health and wellness!) or you hear advocates sharing why home grow should be a fundamental right in the new legalized statewide market, my friend, his nephew, and the beautiful plant are why it’s important to get involved because it could be your friend or your nephew. What if the quality of life of you or someone in your family could be drastically improved with access to a plant? Remind yourself - us humans have to stick together. You’re encouraged to contact your legislators today to share your views on access to personal cannabis cultivation.
If you need more data or research or just want to talk it through to better understand the topic of home grow in New Jersey, contact Elucidation Strategies to connect with informed cannabists who can answer questions and point you to resources to learn more. All consultation fees are indefinitely waived for anyone interested in accessing home grow conversations and educational materials.
Contact Elucidation Strategies for cannabis educational services.